Another database is Google Scholar, although not that updated (link).
Prof. Angeles Perez-Garcia, University of Salamanca, Spain. Topic: Neutrino flavors - theory.
Prof. Ashley Villar, Harvard University, USA. Topic: SNe & Transients - theory & observation.
Prof. Brian Metzger, Columbia University, USA. Topic: Collapsar & Transients - theory & simulation.
Prof. Daniel Siegel, University of Greifswald, Germany. Topic: Collapsar - theory & simulation.
Prof. Ethan Vishniac, Johns Hopkins University, USA. Topic: MHD turbulence - theory & simulation.
Prof. Hagai Perets, Technion Institute, Israel. Topic: SN Ia & SE of WD - theory & simulation.
Prof. Joe Silk, CNRS, Oxford, Johns Hopkins University. Topic: Dark matter & low mass of BH - theory.
Prof. Julian Krolik, Johns Hopkins University, USA. Topic: BNS mergers- theory & simulation
Prof. Luc Dessart, CNRS-Sorbonne University, France. Topic: SN Ia - theory & simulation.
Prof. Raffaella Margutti, Berkeley University (UCB), USA. Topic: SNe - observation.
Prof. Robert Fisher, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA. Topic: turbulence - simulation.
Prof. Silvia Toonen, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Topic: SN Ia, WDs - theory & simulation.
Dr. Louis-G. Stronger, NASA STScI- Johns Hopkins University, USA. Topic: SNIa.
Dr. Alexey Bobrick, Lund University, Sweden. Topic: SNIa, Ib/c, NS-WD mergers - theory & simulation.
Dr. Ariadna Murguia Berthier, CIERA, USA. Topic: merger of compact object - simulation.
Dr. Armin Rest, NASA STScI- Johns Hopkins University, USA. Topic: SNIa,c & IIb - theory & observation.
Dr. Matthew Siebert, NASA STScI, USA. Topic: SNIa - theory & observation.
Dr. Mor Rozner, Gonville, Cambridge, IAS, UK-USA. Topic: Dynamic (compact objects).
Dr. Ori Fox, NASA STScI, USA. Topic: SNII - theory & observation.
Dr. Ruediger Pakmor, Max Planck Institute, Deutschland. Topic: SN Ia - simulation.
I am a member of the STScI transient and SNe group (TSST), we investigate the nature of transient.
I am a member of the Young Supernova Experiment (YSE), which catches extremely young SN
as they happen in real-time. -
I am a member of the Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics Network on BNS (TCAN)